Dynamic Runtime

Changing your data model as your application runs.

See list of endpoints.

See the Home page for more information about this application.

To login (or register as a new user) go to Login.


This is a document describing the Dynamic Runtime project's approach to delivering react applications. Note, the build process below is based on NPM and React from 2019. It is most likely obsolete now.

Main Idea

The idea is to support deploying multiple web applications that share a common base of javascript source code. This common base is located in the webapps/dncore sub-directory of the dynamicruntime project root. It is pulled into the main application webapps/dnapp as a source code dependency using tricks from https://medium.com/capriza-engineering/sharing-source-code-and-libraries-in-react-bd30926df312.

Getting Started

If you have just checked out this repository go to dncore directory underneath the webapps directory and run npm install. This will create the appropriate node_modules directory with all the dependencies. You may need to run npm install again if the package.json file changes or there is a large refactoring in the javascript code base. Then in the webapp dnapp execute the following.

npm install "../dncore"
npm install

Creating New Webapps

New web applications can be created and deployed and run side by side in the dynamicruntime deployment layer. Each web application is given a siteId which is of the form <appName>/<branch> with the branch name current being used for the live released branch. Other branch names can be used for test or beta deploys of a web application. The only webapp currently under development is the dnapp so the default siteId is dnapp/current.

The web application can be reached at the endpoint /portal. If you wish to view a particular webapp, then you can provide a siteId parameter. For example, if you wished to see the beta version of the dnapp on the dynamicruntime.org website, you could use the url https://dynamicruntime.org/portal?siteId=dnapp/beta.

Development Configuration

To have the webapp, when running in development mode, successfully call the dynamicruntime process running in your development environment, add the following entry to the package.json file (after the private configuration entry is a good location).

  "proxy": "http://localhost:7070",

Including dncore Source

To include the dncore as co-compile source code for your webapp, perform the following steps.

First you create a node module dependency on dncore by executing the following inside the directory that houses your webapp (do not forget the quotes around the ../dncore)

npm install "../dncore"

The above assumes you are executing from another directory in the webapps directory. If your webapp is not located in this directory, then you can put in an appropriate relative path from your webapp to the dncore replacing the ../dncore path. At this point, you should have in your node_modules directory a symlink from dncore to the actual location of the dncore directory.

Now run inside your web application the following.

npm install react-app-rewired customize-cra --save-dev

This adds support for customizing webpack behavior. Then in your package.json for the new webapp, replace react-app with react-app-rewired except for the eject script. This is what supports doing configuration overrides. To do the overrides, in your webapp directory create the file config-overrides.js file and put in the following content.

var path = require ('path');
var fs = require ('fs');
const {
} = require("customize-cra");

module.exports = function (config, env) {
    return Object.assign(config, override(

            path.resolve('src'), // Your application's source
            fs.realpathSync('node_modules/dncore') // The *dncore* source
        )(config, env)

This config override file is what causes babel to co-compile both your application's Javascript and the Javascript from dncore.

Now, in the index.js file of your webapp add the following import.

import Client from './api/Client';

Then before the ReactDom.render call, add the following call.

Client.init(window.location.pathname, window.location.search);

This will integrate your webapp with the dynamicruntime mechanisms for creating URLs and handling JSON calls to the server.

At this point you should be able to start your webapp in the normal way (using npm start) and if you change code in the webapps/dncore or your own application's directories it will be picked up by the live webpack recompile. In the Javascript code, to import files and classes from the dncore source directory, use the import path dncore/path-to-your-resource. For example, to import the function dnl for fixing up URL links, use the following construction.

import {dnl} from 'dncore/api/Functions'

Web Application Deployment

There are three ways to view your web application. They are as follows.