Dynamic Runtime

Changing your data model as your application runs.

See list of endpoints.

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Thoughts On Code


This is a document for those who have read through some of the source code and have wondered about some of the choices that were made in the implementation. Before we go into details, I should start by saying that some of what was done was done as an experiment and is not necessarily the best approach for a standard Java application.


One of the self-imposed choices was to avoid reflection based methods for solving coding problems. This avoidance of reflection extends to an avoidance of annotations. Because of this there is a bit more boiler-plate code than might found in a typical project. This is a foundational approach for the dynamic runtime project and this choice was made for a number of reasons. Here are some of them.


Many of the coding choices made in this project are with an awareness of the capabilities and limitations of IntelliJ. In particular, the code tries to take advantage of the fact that IntelliJ can answer questions like "who uses this variable or calls this method?" or "who implements this interface?" quickly and without ambiguity. It is one of the reasons there are so many string constants in the code. Using "where used" on them can be a great way to navigate around the code.

We give a particular example from the code. The functional interface DnEndpointFunctionalInterface is used to register a callback function to be called for an endpoint. We could have created a generic DnConsumer functional interface instead that would have been shared with other code that had similar needs. But we did not because we can now use IntelliJ to find all the endpoint functions in the system just by asking IntelliJ what code implements DnEndpointFunctionalInterface. If at some point the number of endpoints becomes quite large, then we will create sub-interfaces of DnEndpointFunctionInterface just to add a different interface signature into the interface name so that IntelliJ can classify the endpoints that it finds by which sub-interface it implements.


For this project, we have created a universal exception class called DnException. In my many years of experience writing error handlers in code I have seen that the logic for error handling tends to have a lot of similarities. If you start creating different exception classes, you lose your ability to leverage that commonality. And for Java with enforced exception signatures on methods, using different exception classes forces the creation of code layers that rethrow one type of exception as another type of exception and many times losing useful information in the process. One of the advantages of having a universal exception class is that a lot of the code can ignore the issue of exception handling all together. Again this speaks to the issue of breaking apart areas of concern into different code packages. This issue is particularly relevant to functional programming where the executors of lambda functions can have difficulty dealing with exceptions being thrown by the lambda function.

For a particular win of this approach, look at the method DnException#canRetry and ask if any other application can answer whether a retry should be done as authoritatively.

Execution Context

In other applications, user session data and active database sessions are all stored in thread locals, making them essentially invisible elements when executing the code during debug. Thread local storage is also used to control dynamic binding between various elements of an application. In this application, we put all those attributes into a single class named DnCxt with an intent to make all this data explicit and immediately available during a debug session. It also eliminates complications when delegating code to worker threads.


This is a particular pain point and a controversial decision even to the developers of this project. If Java had implemented enums as a restriction on possible values of a type but did not change the underlying type, then using enums in Java would be quite useful. But using an Enumeration forces the creation of a completely different type signature and it is difficult to write simple code that can access the underlying real type of the value. It is particularly painful to use Java enumerations when you want to read values from a database or a file. Because of these problems we do not use enumerations in our code, but it comes with a fairly heavy price. To alleviate this we do try to do tricks such as using common prefixes for the names of static string constants to give some help to the coder. To put it another way, many of our string and numeric constants are "wanna-be" enumeration values.

Public vs Private

In general, attributes and methods in this project are public unless there is a good case for doing otherwise. This goes against the general advice that you can find on this topic in various popular Java blogs. I followed the recommended approach myself for many years until I wrote too many lines of code in other languages which did not follow this meme. I then asked myself, over my last twenty years of coding, how many times have I seen problems from methods or attributes being inappropriately accessed versus the number of times I have seen problems where attributes and or methods could not be accessed and that forced unnecessary duplication in the code. And from my personal memory, the second has occurred way more often.

The issue is that there are two different agendas when incorporating existing code into your own code. The first, which is the most typical, is when you just call the methods. In that case, it does make sense to restrict access to attributes and methods, mostly to help guide the programmer to correct usage. But in more sophisticated solutions, the code they are incorporating may actively support extension models, such as plugins or invasive registered callbacks. It is this second case that gives a code library real punch and value. But this is also when restricting access to methods and attributes can cause real harm by limiting the scope of extensibility. If I had control of Java, I would allow Java code to access private and protected methods, but it would cause a compile warning that could be suppressed. Then in IntelliJ you could get a list of all the privilege escalation lines in your code.

I will say one more thing. This is not the only meme about Java that I disagree with and I think these memes are part of the reason why Java is increasingly having a bad reputation when compared to other languages. As a case example, Python is an awesome language partly because it has thrown away all the bad ideas that have accreted around other languages. Just compare a standard Python program to a Java implementation that meets the approval of current Java thinking (in particular J2EE, Java Beans, and JMX) and ask yourself which you would prefer to work with as a programmer.

Thread Dumps and Logging

Unlike in other projects, thread dumps and logging are first class citizens. The code is written with an awareness of what the stack dump might look like when a programmatic thread dump is performed. Likewise, care is taken in producing logging output. It is a real art to log not too little and not too much and have the content of the logging tell you exactly what is happening in the application. I believe that thread dumps and logging are artifacts that deserve as much attention as the actual features the application implements. This is also an argument for not using invasive frameworks for writing your important scalable applications. I have found it can be quite difficult to get good stack dumps and logging out of those frameworks.

Import Static

For the very commonly used static methods we import them using a static import to reduce the amount of typing to use them. However, this is also a documentation feature. If you see a short variable or method name it means one of two things. The definition of the variable or method is defined in the same class (or same code block) and is used no where else or it is so commonly used that it is assumed that the programmer has memorized a working knowledge of the implementation. It is also assumed that the variable or code has a fairly straightforward implementation.

On the other hand if the variable name or method name is done with a long naming construct, then it implies that the code is not that commonly used or it may require some real investigation to understand the logic surrounding the variable or method. Using this type of naming reference convention can help a programmer when reading the code to know what parts of the code require mental effort and what parts do not, greatly speeding the comprehension of code for a skilled reader of code.

On one other note, with IntelliJ (or similar IDEs) you can quickly find the definition of a method call even if the source is obscured.